Imbas Forosnai
The Illumination of Inspiration
One of the rarer and more mysterious magical practices associated with ancient Ireland is Imbas Forosnaí a form of divination and poetic inspiration used by the Filidh this ritual, tied to the Celtic elite class of seers and bards, involved entering a trance-like state to gain supernatural knowledge or foresee events. The practitioner would isolate themselves, often in darkness or a confined space, and chew on raw meat (sometimes from a sacrificed animal) before sleeping with their palms pressed against their face. In this state, they would receive visions or poetic insights from the Otherworld.
What makes Imbas Forosnaí rare today is its obscurity even among Celtic scholars, partly because it was suppressed by Christian authorities who viewed it as pagan sorcery. It’s a practice that underscores the intrinsic link between magic and poetry in Irish tradition—where words themselves were believed to hold power—and offers a stark contrast to more familiar druidic rituals. There are special words which bring about these very accurate visions and they will be given to you. Each word given to you will tell you how to pronounce it and what it brings, visions, protection, wealth, revenge, etc.
Imbas Forosnai
These glass beads are old! This is a vintage necklace