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As you can see this the silver ring with a purple stone. In the stone you can see that there is a crown etched. The crown is symbolic of the fact that this piece holds what is known as the Lost bloodline of Solomon.

An ancient times the Queen of Sheba who was also known as Makeda visiting King Solomon. She stayed with Fallon for 6 months learning his wisdom. On her final night there Solomon took her into his bed and she became pregnant.

The Queen of Sheba returns to her kingdom where she bore Solomon a son. Solomon's bloodline is said to have rolled and modern day Ethiopia until around 1974. However, nobody really knows if these rollers were of The bloodline of Solomon or if it was just said that they were.

Whatever the case may be this ring was created by a Divine magician from Africa. It holds the secret bloodline of Solomon that was bored to him by the Queen of Sheba. This bloodline is just as powerful and magical as his bloodline that produced Jesus Christ.

As such, with this piece you will receive a host of ancient solomonic magics and Powers. these will be again to the magic and power that could be found in Solomon ancient work such as his lesser keys and other writings that he penned. It will also include secret knowledge that is only help within the bloodline.

The Lost Bloodline of Solomon

SKU: 242311
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